An inspiring success story

The story of James and john……

In their quest for a blessing from their grandfather on his dying bed, the two boys set out for the most precious fish in the cold and gentle waters. Lifting their hooks down the deep dark waters, they kept praying, like their entire existence depends on the outcome of their adventure. Fortunately, God answer their prayers.  Five minutes later success comes knocking as their hooks are heavy with fish, you could see the joy running down their chicks.

 Unfortunately, their joy is short lived. Out of nowhere dark wild forest aunts invade the area where they are standing, biting them from the sow of their feet to the scar of their head.

John John! James shouts, we have to go, these aunts are dangerous.

 John quickly remembers what grandpa told him; “my son, ‘to be successful in life, you have to overcome fear because fear kills more than the obstacle itself “.

While James throws his hook away with the fish in it and runs, John for his part endures the aunt bites and finally drags his fish ashore. The question is;

 Who among these two is said to be successful?


What is success

From the story above, success could be defined in two ways;

1.  Not giving

2.  Overcoming fear

  Let’s take an example; For a marriage faced with challenges of the magnitude such as infidelity or infertility in its third anniversary to be to be termed successful, this couple must be able to stay together, not giving up and being able to overcome their fears, so as tell their story at their fiftieth anniversary.


Five magic pillars of success

The following are five magic pillars on which the ship of success could be firmly anchored, without easily shrinking back to energy level zero.


Passion is the fuel that inspires or drives people toward specific goals, no matter how difficult the problems might be. It generates enthusiasm needed to go through the biggest obstacles and challenges. Passion inspires action, loyalty, hard work, consistency, accountability and eventually success. The first step to success is loving or being passionate about what you are or want to get into.

A  Doctor who is not passionate about his job of saving lives, will quickly give up or resign for fear of death from COVID-19.                         


Death is not the greatest thing; the greatest thing is what dies inside you while you are still alive. Thousands of people out there have big dreams. Dreams of owning big businesses, but are very afraid to fail or lose their money, and will die never even mounting the courage to start doing what they are passionate about. In this case, passion will never solve any problem. Passion without action is useless, on the other hand, Passion backed by action plus perseverance, headwork and accountability equals’ success.



 It is the persistence in doing something despite the difficulty or delay in achieving success. Perseverance is similar to patience, determination, endurance, and commitment. To be successful one has to be dedicated to his goal.

Because we’re so used to shortcuts and comfort, we do not know how to persevere or push through difficult situations and failures. Instead of given up as soon as things don’t go your way, learn from your mistakes and figure out how to overcome them in the future.

Nobody attains success and keeps it overnight. Successful people face rejection and failure constantly! They simply go by the slogan ‘keep on trying’. Successful people are those who only make their last attempt after they have succeeded.

Remember: obstacles won’t suddenly go away once you achieve your goal, so it’s better to make mistakes when you’re starting out than to never know how to handle yourself after a failure.


Accountability means to accept responsibility or to take the blame for your actions.

When you do encounter obstacles, it’s easy to blame others or feel pity for yourself instead feeling pity for yourself, take the blame and learn to prevent it from happening next time. Accountability is a strong pillar of success because, while you can’t control situations and circumstances, you can always control how you react to them.

Nobody ever became successful by blaming others for their actions. Regardless of who is at fault, the bottom line is; the mistake has been made and someone has to take the blame.


Whenever and individual or a business feels that success has been attained, progress stops. Momentary success is usually a sign of occasional consistency, for the process of success to be permanent, consistency should be the watchword.

Perseverance and accountability are meaningless if they aren’t applied consistently. So, consistency means keep on doing. You never know which attempt will hit your target.

The Process is as Important as the Goal

It’s easy to convince ourselves that if we can’t get what we want right away, we should move on. But success isn’t just about getting to your goals. It’s about everything you learn and achieve on the way and everything you continue to learn once you’ve achieved success.

By practicing the five Pillars of Success which include;

Being passionate about what you want to do,

 Taking action to start,

Persevering though the difficulties,

Being accountable for your actions,

 And finally doing all these consistently,

 You are guaranteed to get to your destination. Therefore, stop thinking about how to be successful and take action now!

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