Are you in chains?

“Man is born free but everywhere in chains.” All humans yearn to be free in so many facets of life; we all, at one point or another, have felt like

 Why can’t I be my own boss, have financial freedom, stop depending on a monthly salary which does not satisfy my needs?

Want to design my job description, rather than always being remote controlled by a boss?

Love working on my passion or feel free doing my own stuff?.

The truth is, as long as one remains employed working under someone; you will always be dependent, uncomfortable and unhappy.

This situation can only change if you decide to cross the bridge from financial dependence to financial freedom, from EMPLOYEE TO ENTRPRENEURSHIP


Two sides of a coin

Entrepreneurs works to grow their own project or make their dream a reality, these people are financially free (controls their own finances).

On the other hand, an employee works on someone else’ project.

Employees are financially secured (sure of a monthly salary from employers). Here, we see two classes of people, one who is financially free (entrepreneur) and the other who is financially dependent (employee).

In reality, most employees envy entrepreneurs but will hardly take steps to move out of the rat race to become free themselves. They are scared of making the transition from financial security to financial freedom. The concept of financial freedom and security will be discussed in detail in our subsequent articles.



  The following steps will help move an employee to become an entrepreneur;

1. An employe becomes unhappy with his job;

   There is nothing actually wrong in working as an employee, the problem is when you start being unhappy with your job. The ultimate goal of life to be comfortable and happy, when any one starts becoming uncomfortable, unhappiness sets in.

TRANSITION From employe to entrepreneur is exactly like the process of human development and adaptation. Humans feel too attached to certain conditions, but with the passage of time, the urge to change from dependence to independence grows in our hearts more and more. Likewise, picking a job as an employe at the beginning is very exciting, with time feeling like – sensitive employe grows like an employe.

My job is boring; don’t want to go to work today.

  I like my job but can’t grow,

Am not being paid what I deserve,

Want a more challenging job, this one is boring but don’t want to go back to school or training.

The company isn’t growing,

 I do all the work and my boss takes the credit.

I have to quit this job and start doing my own thing, can’t be making someone else rich.

  When feelings like the ones above keep plaguing your mind, it’s a signal that you are done being an employee, it’s time to move to the next level, an entrepreneur.

Sadly, most people, instead of heeding to their mind’s call and starting their own project, go looking for another job. These people will keep having same feeling.


2. Take action, overcome obstacles, and start now;

Despite the handwriting on the wall indicating that all is set for an employee to transit to an entrepreneur, most employees still do not take action to start their own projects. The following factors are responsible for this;

Analysis paralysis;

 This is one of the main obstacles to status quo migration; movement from employee to entrepreneurship. This happens when people who are too focus on trying to gather information, identify and eliminate all the risks involved in the business over do it until they never get to actually start the business.

Analysis paralysis kills the business inside before it even starts. In simple terms over analysis paralyses the business. The truth is, it’s very important to analyze all risks involved before engaging in a business, but there is thick line between moving on blindly and falling victim of analysis paralysis.

The fear of failing

 The fear of failing is the main cause of analysis paralysis. People are so afraid to fail that every small risk that could be managed is looked upon like a mountain. These people are the best employees, since the job of an employee is not to make mistakes.  An entrepreneur on the other hand, makes and manages mistakes because he tries new ventures all the time.

To move from employee to entrepreneur, one has to change his mindset from being afraid to make mistakes to being able to try new things, make mistakes, fail, learn and try again. That’s the job of an entrepreneur.


‘Death is not the greatest thing, the greatest thing is what dies inside you while you are still alive. It’s very easy to do nothing, many people simply do nothing. They have the dream of becoming independent financially, but simply do nothing about it. This is very common with employees who simply feel too comfortable with their present jobs.

In this case, there is some sort of perturbation that holds you from taking your journey to entrepreneurship (freedom), something that prevents you from changing the status quo.

Action remains the watchword. If inertia is your obstacle to attaining financial freedom, going from employee to an entrepreneur, take action now!

3. Just start;

After you have decided to get pass fear, inertia, analysis paralysis, you have the business plan, product or service. Commit yourself to the following steps;

1. Take action and start,

2. Fail and learn,

3. Find a mentor,   

4. Fail and learn,

5. Take some classes,

6. Keep failing and learning

7. Stop when successful,

8. Celebrate,

9. Take stock of your achievements,

10. Repeat the process again and again.

Remember that success is a process, not an event, and that the process must be repeated severally to maintain your success. In entrepreneurship, the process is more important than the goal. Keep learning so as to be well versed in financial literacy and the transition process.

Commenting on success, Wilson Churchill said, “Success is not final and failure is not fatal; what counts is the courage to continue.” Consistency is the fuel that will keep you in this new status quo, a state of financial freedom.

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