Certainly! Here legitimate conference websites with their field of focus and other useful details:

IEEE Conference
Field of Focus: Engineering, Technology
Details: IEEE conferences cover a wide range of topics in engineering and technology, providing opportunities for researchers and professionals to share knowledge and network.

ACM Conferences
Field of Focus: Computer Science, Information Technology
Details: ACM hosts conferences on various aspects of computer science and IT, including artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and software engineering.

American Chemical Society (ACS) Meetings
Field of Focus: Chemistry, Chemical Engineering
Details: ACS meetings bring together chemists and chemical engineers to discuss the latest research and developments in the field.

American Physical Society (APS) Meetings
Field of Focus: Physics
Details: APS meetings cover a broad spectrum of physics topics, including condensed matter, particle physics, and astrophysics.

American Mathematical Society (AMS) Meetings
Field of Focus: Mathematics
Details: AMS organizes meetings for mathematicians to present research, collaborate, and explore new developments in mathematics.

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Meetings
Field of Focus: Multidisciplinary
Details: AAAS meetings cover a wide range of scientific disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, and social sciences.

American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting
Field of Focus: Education
Details: AERA’s annual meeting brings together researchers, educators, and policymakers to discuss educational research and practice.

International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
Field of Focus: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
Details: ICML is a premier conference for researchers and practitioners in machine learning and AI, featuring presentations, workshops, and tutorials.

NeurIPS (Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems)
Field of Focus: Neural Networks, Machine Learning
Details: NeurIPS is one of the largest conferences in machine learning and neural networks, featuring cutting-edge research and workshops.

International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)
Field of Focus: Computer Vision
Details: ICCV brings together researchers and practitioners in computer vision to present and discuss the latest advancements in the field.

USENIX Conferences
Field of Focus: Computer Science, Information Technology
Details: USENIX hosts conferences on various topics in computer science and IT, including operating systems, security, and networking.

International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
Field of Focus: Software Engineering
Details: ICSE is a leading conference for researchers and practitioners in software engineering, covering topics such as software development methodologies, testing, and maintenance.

International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Field of Focus: Robotics, Automation
Details: ICRA brings together researchers and engineers in robotics and automation to exchange ideas and showcase new technologies.

International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH)
Field of Focus: Computer Graphics, Interactive Techniques
Details: SIGGRAPH is a premier conference for computer graphics and interactive techniques, featuring research presentations, courses, and exhibitions.

International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)
Field of Focus: Human-Computer Interaction
Details: CHI brings together researchers and practitioners in HCI to explore the design and use of interactive systems.

International Conference on Embedded Systems (EMBC)
Field of Focus: Embedded Systems
Details: EMBC covers research and developments in embedded systems, including hardware, software, and applications.

International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)
Field of Focus: Sensor Networks, Internet of Things
Details: IPSN explores research in sensor networks and IoT technologies, including sensing, communication, and data processing.

International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN)
Field of Focus: Dependable Systems, Cybersecurity
Details: DSN focuses on the design, analysis, and evaluation of dependable and secure systems and networks.

International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC)
Field of Focus: High-Performance Computing
Details: SC is a leading conference for HPC, featuring research presentations, tutorials, and workshops on computing, networking, and storage technologies.

International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP)
Field of Focus: Parallel Processing, Distributed Systems
Details: ICPP explores research and developments in parallel processing and distributed computing.

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
Field of Focus: Artificial Intelligence
Details: IJCAI brings together researchers and practitioners in AI to present and discuss the latest advancements in the field.

International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS)
Field of Focus: Automated Planning, Scheduling
Details: ICAPS covers research in automated planning and scheduling techniques, including applications in robotics, manufacturing, and transportation.

International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)
Field of Focus: Data Engineering, Big Data
Details: ICDE explores research and developments in data engineering and big data management.

International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB)
Field of Focus: Databases, Data Management
Details: VLDB is a premier conference for database researchers and practitioners, covering topics such as data management, analytics, and data science.

International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR)
Field of Focus: Multimedia Retrieval, Content-Based Retrieval
Details: ICMR explores research in multimedia retrieval techniques, including image, video, and audio retrieval.

International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM)
Field of Focus: Web Search, Data Mining
Details: WSDM covers research and developments in web search, data mining, and information retrieval.

International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD)
Field of Focus: Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining
Details: KDD is a leading conference for researchers and practitioners in knowledge discovery and data mining.

International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW)
Field of Focus: World Wide Web, Internet Technologies
Details: WWW explores research in web technologies, including web search, social networks, and web security.

International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC)
Field of Focus: Semantic Web, Linked Data
Details: ISWC covers research in the semantic web and linked data technologies, including ontology engineering, knowledge graphs, and semantic integration.

International Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)
Field of Focus: Digital Libraries, Information Retrieval
Details: JCDL explores research and developments in digital libraries, including digital preservation, metadata standards, and user interfaces.

International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS)
Field of Focus: Distributed Computing, Cloud Computing
Details: ICDCS covers research in distributed computing systems, including cloud computing, edge computing, and peer-to-peer systems.

International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP)
Field of Focus: Network Protocols, Communication Systems
Details: ICNP explores research in network protocols and communication systems, including protocol design, analysis, and implementation.

International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom)
Field of Focus: Mobile Computing, Wireless Networks
Details: MobiCom covers research in mobile computing and wireless networking technologies, including mobile applications, IoT, and 5G.

International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM)
Field of Focus: Computer Communications, Networking
Details: INFOCOM explores research in computer communications and networking, including protocols, algorithms, and network architectures.

International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD)
Field of Focus: ICT for Development, Digital Inclusion
Details: ICTD explores the role of information and communication technologies in socio-economic development, including access, adoption, and impact.

International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI)
Field of Focus: Mobile HCI, User Experience
Details: MobileHCI covers research in human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services, including mobile user interfaces, interaction techniques, and mobile applications.

International Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS)
Field of Focus: Interaction Design, User Experience
Details: DIS explores research in designing interactive systems, including methods, tools, and practices for creating engaging user experiences.

International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI)
Field of Focus: Tangible Interaction, Embodied Interaction
Details: TEI covers research in tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction, including wearable devices, interactive installations, and physical computing.

International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI)
Field of Focus: Human-Agent Interaction, Social Robotics
Details: HAI explores research in human-agent interaction, including social robots, virtual agents, and conversational interfaces.

International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)
Field of Focus: Pervasive Computing, Ubiquitous Computing
Details: PerCom covers research in pervasive computing and communications, including mobile sensing, context-awareness, and ambient intelligence.

International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp)
Field of Focus: Ubiquitous Computing, Context-Aware Computing
Details: UbiComp explores research in ubiquitous computing, including sensor networks, mobile computing, and wearable technologies.

International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES)
Field of Focus: Environmental Systems, Aerospace Engineering
Details: ICES covers research in environmental control systems for aerospace and terrestrial applications, including air quality, thermal control, and life support systems.

International Conference on Energy Systems (ICES)
Field of Focus: Energy Systems, Renewable Energy
Details: ICES explores research in energy systems, including generation, distribution, and storage technologies, as well as energy policy and sustainability.

International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS)
Field of Focus: Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things
Details: ICCPS covers research in cyber-physical systems, including embedded systems, real-time systems, and IoT platforms.

International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)
Field of Focus: Automation Science, Robotics
Details: CASE explores research in automation science and engineering, including robotics, control systems, and manufacturing automation.

International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Field of Focus: Robotics, Automation
Details: ICRA brings together researchers and engineers in robotics and automation to exchange ideas and showcase new technologies.

International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS)
Field of Focus: Control Systems, Automation
Details: ICCAS covers research in control systems, automation technologies, and applications in various domains, including manufacturing, transportation, and healthcare.

International Conference on Cyber Security and Privacy (ICCSP)
Field of Focus: Cyber Security, Privacy
Details: ICCSP explores research in cyber security and privacy technologies.


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