VolunteerMatch connects volunteers with nonprofits and charitable organizations worldwide. Website: VolunteerMatch

Idealist features volunteer opportunities in various sectors, including education, environment, and healthcare. Website: Idealist

All for Good aggregates volunteer opportunities from multiple sources, making it easy to find meaningful projects. Website: All for Good

UN Volunteers offers opportunities to volunteer with United Nations agencies and organizations across the globe. Website: UN Volunteers

GlobalGiving connects volunteers with grassroots projects and NGOs working to address social and environmental challenges. Website: GlobalGiving

AIESEC provides international volunteer and internship opportunities aimed at fostering leadership and cultural exchange. Website: AIESEC

Peace Corps offers volunteer programs in over 60 countries, focusing on community development and cross-cultural understanding. Website: Peace Corps

GoAbroad features volunteer programs, internships, and gap year opportunities in diverse locations around the world. Website: GoAbroad

Projects Abroad offers volunteer placements in areas such as conservation, healthcare, and education across multiple continents. Website: Projects Abroad

Cross-Cultural Solutions provides immersive volunteer experiences focused on community-driven development projects. Website: Cross-Cultural Solutions

IVHQ (International Volunteer HQ) offers affordable volunteer programs in over 40 destinations, ranging from teaching to wildlife conservation. Website: IVHQ

Volunteers of America engages volunteers in service projects addressing homelessness, hunger, and healthcare in communities across the United States. Website: Volunteers of America


Habitat for Humanity mobilizes volunteers to build affordable housing and support community development projects worldwide. Website: Habitat for Humanity

The Red Cross welcomes volunteers to support disaster relief efforts, blood donation drives, and community health initiatives globally. Website: The Red Cross

Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) recruits medical professionals and other volunteers to provide humanitarian aid in crisis zones. Website: Doctors Without Borders

Amnesty International offers volunteer opportunities to advocate for human rights and support campaigns addressing injustice worldwide. Website: Amnesty International

United Nations Volunteers Online Volunteering allows volunteers to contribute their skills remotely to UN projects and initiatives. Website: UNV Online Volunteering

Rotary International engages volunteers in service projects focused on promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, and more. Website: Rotary International

Teach For All recruits volunteers to teach in underserved communities around the world, aiming to provide quality education for all children. Website: Teach For All

Greenpeace offers volunteer opportunities to support environmental campaigns and initiatives aimed at protecting the planet. Website: Greenpeace

Volunteers in Asia (VIA) offers immersive volunteer programs in Asia focused on education, public health, and sustainable development. Website: Volunteers in Asia (VIA)

World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) connects volunteers with organic farms worldwide, offering opportunities to learn about sustainable agriculture. Website: WWOOF

Tevaiv Tef. offers immersive volunteer programs in Togo, Africa, focusing on education, healthcare, and community development. Website: Tevaiv Tef.

GVI (Global Vision International) provides volunteer opportunities for conservation, education, and community development projects in locations around the world. Website: GVI

Jesuit Volunteers International offers volunteer opportunities rooted in Jesuit values, focusing on social justice and community service. Website: Jesuit Volunteers International

UNICEF Volunteer Program offers opportunities to support children’s rights and humanitarian initiatives globally. Website: UNICEF Volunteer Program

Volunteer Southern Africa provides volunteer placements in South Africa, Eswatini, and Mozambique, focusing on education, conservation, and community development. Website: Volunteer Southern Africa

ActionAid engages volunteers in advocacy campaigns and community development projects aimed at fighting poverty and injustice worldwide. Website: ActionAid

International Volunteer Travel (IVT) offers volunteer travel experiences in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, focusing on wildlife conservation, education, and healthcare. Website: IVT

Volunteer Abroad provides a platform to discover volunteer opportunities in over 100 countries, ranging from wildlife conservation to social work. Website: Volunteer Abroad

Projects Overland organizes volunteer projects in Africa and Asia, focusing on education, healthcare, and community development. Website: Projects Overland

Volunteers For Peace (VFP) offers low-cost volunteer opportunities focused on promoting peace, cultural exchange, and sustainable development worldwide. Website: Volunteers For Peace (VFP)

Campus California provides volunteer programs for university students, focusing on education, healthcare, and environmental conservation. Website: Campus California

Travellers Worldwide offers volunteer placements in areas such as wildlife conservation, healthcare, and community development in multiple countries. Website: Travellers Worldwide

Agape Volunteers offers volunteer programs in Kenya, Ghana, and Tanzania, focusing on education, healthcare, and wildlife conservation. Website: Agape Volunteers

African Impact provides volunteer opportunities in wildlife conservation, community development, and healthcare projects across Africa. Website: African Impact

GoEco offers volunteer programs in wildlife conservation, environmental sustainability, and community development projects worldwide. Website: GoEco

Fronteering specializes in remote and adventurous volunteer opportunities in wilderness conservation and community development projects. Website: Fronteering

Oyster Worldwide offers volunteer and internship programs in areas such as childcare, teaching, and wildlife conservation in various countries. Website: Oyster Worldwide

Globalteer provides volunteer opportunities in education, wildlife conservation, and community development projects in Southeast Asia and South America. Website: Globalteer

Global Leadership Adventures (GLA) provides volunteer programs for high school students focused on community service and leadership development in destinations worldwide. Website: Global Leadership Adventures (GLA)

Amizade Global Service-Learning provides immersive volunteer experiences focused on community development and cultural exchange in multiple countries. Website: Amizade

Concordia Volunteers offers short-term volunteer programs in areas such as conservation, education, and healthcare in various countries. Website: Concordia Volunteers

Operation Groundswell offers backpacking-style volunteer programs that combine adventure travel with meaningful community service projects. Website: Operation Groundswell

Frontier organizes volunteer projects in wildlife conservation, community development, and marine conservation in locations around the world. Website: Frontier

Maximo Nivel offers volunteer and intern abroad programs in Latin America, focusing on education, conservation, and healthcare. Website: Maximo Nivel

Global Vision International (GVI) provides volunteer opportunities in wildlife conservation, marine conservation, and community development projects worldwide. Website: GVI

International Humanity Foundation (IHF) provides volunteer opportunities to support children’s education and community development in Africa and Asia. Website: IHF

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