
Incorporate Images, Charts, and Info-Graphs to Create Visually Appealing Content

Since visual elements are so important, we believe they would contribute significantly to your site’s traffic.

As human beings, our brains prefer visual elements. We love colors and objects because esthetics trigger emotional responses in our brains. This makes us more engaged and immersed in our surroundings.

People love looking at infographics because they make information engaging and easy to consume.

Images in your blog posts grab users’ attention and help them focus on not just the visual element but also the text around it.

If you’re just starting out, then it’s important to know that you cannot just use any image you see on the internet. Images are protected by copyright, and stealing copyrighted material can have serious consequences.

Ideally, you want to use your own images, graphics, and photographs, but not all bloggers are graphic designers or photographers.

Luckily, there are so many great resources to find royalty-free images, and there are even tools that you can use to easily create your own graphics. All of these resources are found online.

  Include Videos in Your Articles

Videos are the most successful form of content on the internet. Users spend more time on blog posts containing videos than just text and images.

Adding videos to your articles in WordPress is super easy. However, you should never upload videos to WordPress because it is not optimized to stream videos.

A video hosted on your wordpress hosting server will take up too many resources, and the user experience will be terrible.

The best way to add videos to your WordPress site is by uploading them to YouTube and then embedding them in your blog posts.

This gives you even more exposure as YouTube itself is the world’s second largest search engine and a popular social media platform.

There are many ways to easily create video content for your website. Here are a few that you can start with:

  • You can create slideshows of how-to tutorials with voice-over instructions.
  • You can create screencasts.
  • Record interviews with other bloggers and influencers in your industry.
  • Become a vlogger by adding your own videos shot in selfie mode.

Utilize User-Generated Content (UGC).

User-generated content is basically any content generated on your website as a result of user activity. This includes comments, testimonials, guest posts, user reviews, and more.

User-generated content helps you drive more traffic to your website because it gives users multiple opportunities to participate and get involved.

When users spend more time on your website, they are more likely to return, share, and even purchase from it.

There are many different kinds of user-generated content that you can add. You need to choose what works best for your blog and start from there.

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Maintain a clean and clutter-free website design.

There are a lot of great WordPress themes available on the market. The problem is that many beginners want to use a theme with all the bells and whistles. These themes are not always the perfect design for your website.

Bad website design stops your users from spending more time on your blog, which decreases your pageviews.

Whereas a good design helps them discover more content, explore different sections, and spend more time.

We are often asked by users how to choose the best theme. Our answer is to always strive for simplicity.

A simple, clean, and functional theme makes a good first impression and offers the best user experience.

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Improve Website Speed to Make Your Pages Load Faster

In this era of instant gratification, no one wants to wait for a website to load. If your website is slow, then users will simply leave your website before it even loads.

Search engines like Google also consider website speed and page load time as two of the important ranking factors.

To make sure that your website loads fast, you need to optimize your WordPress performance. This means you need to use caching, avoid unnecessary bloat, and optimize your images.

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Start Your Email List Right Away

Most beginners spend too much of their time bringing new users to their website. However, more than 70% of users leaving your website will never return.

The trick to growing your blog traffic is not just getting new visitors; you also need to keep existing visitors coming back.

How do you make sure that users return to your website?

You do that by asking them to subscribe to your blog.

Users can subscribe to your website’s social media profiles. However, most social networks limit your reach, and your users can only see some of your content.

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This is why you need to start building your email list.

The best thing about your email list is that you own it. No one can limit your reach, and you get direct access to your users’ inboxes.

Email marketing is the most cost-efficient and highly effective marketing tool at your disposal.

You are losing potential subscribers each day without an email list.

For more on this topic, please read more articles online on why building an email list is important.

Once you have an email list, you can send regular email newsletters to bring more visitors to your blog.

We recommend using constant contact or sedinBlue.

How to Boost Your Blog’s Traffic. p.2

Share Your Blog Posts Automatically

When we stress that you should build an email list, we don’t mean that you should stop building a social media following.

Quite the opposite, in fact. We want you to continue building a social media following on all the important social platforms and even find new niche platforms that you can explore.

The problem with social media websites is that you have to regularly post content to keep your profiles active and drive traffic to your blog.

If you do that manually, then you’ll soon be spending quite a lot of time sharing content.

Share your old articles on social media on a regular basis.

If you’re like most blogs, you probably only publish one article a day. This means that for the rest of the day, there will be no updates from you on social media.

On platforms like Twitter, your tweet will soon disappear, and your users will probably not even see it.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could automatically share your old content at regular intervals throughout the day?

This will help you get more traffic from social media by increasing your visibility and keeping your profiles more active.

With Buffer, you will have to bulk-upload your updates manually. On the other hand, Revive Old Posts will allow you to automatically share your own old articles.

Investigate other social networks.

There are so many social media websites out there, but most of us spend all of our time on a few top platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Obviously, you want to focus on them to drive more traffic to your blog.

However, depending on your blog’s topics, you may have more success on other social platforms that are less crowded.

For example, if your blog is about building businesses, you may find more engaged users on LinkedIn.

If you run a lifestyle or fashion blog, then Instagram may be the platform you should focus on.h

You can always spend time on Quora answering user questions, which builds backlinks and helps increase blog traffic.

We recommend that you try spending more time on social networks other than the big two. You may find a more passionate audience and a bigger following there.

Take part in online communities.

Online communities are a great source of traffic, mainly because they already have engaged users who are interested in the topics that you are discussing on your blogs.

You can find smaller communities on Reddit, LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups, YouTube communities, and more.

Don’t just start posting links to your articles. This is called “spamming,” and moderators will instantly block you.

You should spend some time building your reputation, answering questions, joining discussions, and then only sharing your website if it is appropriate.

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