Using Google AdSense to monetize your website is one of the most common methods.

With it, you can earn money by selling advertising space on your website. When it comes to making money online, AdSense is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get started.

Here, we’ll walk you through the process of integrating Google AdSense into your WordPress site, and we’ll also give you some advice on how to maximize your earnings.


Adding Google AdSense to WordPress correctly.

AdSense is a term used to describe the advertising program offered by Google.

Using Google AdSense, bloggers and website owners can make money by displaying text, images, videos, and other interactive advertisements on their websites. Because they’re based on the content and demographics of the site’s audience, these ads are incredibly relevant.

Because you don’t have to deal with advertisers or worry about collecting money, Google AdSense is hassle-free. Google is in charge of managing and maintaining business relationships with third parties, including advertisers. Your money is sent to you after they take their management fee and subtract their fee.

AdSense offers cost-per-click (CPC) ads, which means that every time a user clicks on an ad on your site, you get paid. The amount of money earned per click varies depending on a number of different variables.

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Learning the Basics of AdSense

The first step is to open an AdSense account with Google. You can sign up with your existing Gmail account if you already have one.

The Google AdSense team will review your application after you’ve submitted it. Some publishers may need as little as a few hours or as much as a few weeks to complete this.

You’ll be able to access your ad code once it’s been approved and added to your AdSense account. Ads can be displayed on your website using this code.

You don’t have to worry about how many and where your ads will appear because Google AdSense recently introduced auto ads, which means you only have to paste one piece of code.

However, the majority of websites still use the manual method of placing ads one by one.

We’ll demonstrate both approaches to you. Manual ad placement is a good place to start. Experimenting with auto-ads can only be done once you’ve started making money.

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The first step is to manually insert the Google AdSense ad code into your WordPress site.

To begin, go to the “By ad unit” tab in the Ads menu on the left side of the screen. To begin a new ad, go to this page and select “Create New Ad.”

You’ll be prompted to select an ad type during the registration process. Display ads, in-feed ads, and in-article ads are the three options available to you when creating your ads.

Start by advertising with display ads if you’re not sure what to do.

Select the kind of advertisement you want to run.

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Next, you’ll need to give this ad unit a name and choose the ad size and type.

Choose an ad type and an ad unit name.

Because the ad’s name is only used internally, you can call it anything you want.

Choose your ad size from the drop-down menu. There are a few ad sizes recommended by Google because they are the most popular with advertisers.

Your ad can also be responsive or fixed, depending on your preference. Responsive ads are the best option because they display properly across a wide range of devices and displays.

The next step is to click on the “Create” button.

The ad code will now be generated for you by AdSense. Ad unit ID and publisher ID are included.

Copy the ad code.

For AMP pages, you can also copy the code from your Google AMP version of the website.

In plain text editors like Notepad or TextEdit, copy and paste your ad code. In the next step, you’ll need it.

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WordPress Add-On for Google AdSense

It is important to decide where you want to place the ad on your site. The sidebar is the most common location for ads to appear. With the help of WordPress widgets, you can incorporate Google Adsense into your sidebars.

You can access the Appearance » Widgets page in your WordPress admin area by clicking on Appearance » Widgets. Add your Google AdSense code to the widget area by first dragging and dropping the “Custom HTML” widget and then pasting it in.

Paste the Google AdSense code into the WordPress sidebar to use AdSense.

The AdSanity WordPress plugin is a great option for better placement and tracking management.

Add the Auto-Ads AdSense code to WordPress.

It takes a lot of time to add individual ads to different sections of your website. For the most part, newbies are stumped as to where they should put their ads.

Google’s auto-ads were designed to address this issue. Simply add one code snippet and let Google AdSense figure out the best location, ad size, and type for you to use on your site.

This method has the drawback of giving you less control over where ads appear on your website.

This is how you add Google AdSense to your website if you want to use the auto-ads feature.

After logging in, click on the “Ads” option in your Google AdSense account. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to generate the code for the auto-ads.

Your publisher ID has now been generated and displayed on the screen by AdSense. You can now paste this code into a text editor by copying and pasting it.

Automated advertising code

In setting up a WordPress site with AdSense Auto Ads,

a single code snippet is all that is needed to generate ads on your WordPress site. As a result, the code must be added to all pages where the advertisement is to be displayed.

You can do this by inserting the code in the header.php file of your WordPress theme. You will lose your ad code if you update or change your theme using this method.

Use a plugin like Insert Headers and Footers to add any site-wide code that you need to your website.

Insert Headers and Footers is a plugin that must be installed and activated first. For more information, search for a step-by-step guide to installing a WordPress plugin.

Go to the Settings » Insert Headers and Footers page after activation. In the header section, paste your Google AdSense code and save.

To keep your changes, be sure to click “Save” at the bottom of the page after you’ve finished editing.

The ad code will now appear on all of your website’s pages. For Google AdSense, it may take some time to begin displaying ads.

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