1. How do you feel most of the time in your relationship?
    a) Happy and content
    b) Confused and uncertain
    c) Anxious and unhappy
  2. How does your partner treat you during disagreements?
    a) Listens and respects your perspective
    b) Blames and criticizes you
    c) Ignores or dismisses your feelings
  3. Do you often find yourself walking on eggshells around your partner?
    a) No, you feel comfortable expressing yourself
    b) Yes, you’re afraid of their rea…
    Remember, this quiz is just for fun and should not replace professional advice. Let’s begin!
  4. How do you feel most of the time in your relationship?
    a) Happy and content
    b) Indifferent or neutral
    c) Unhappy or dissatisfied
  5. How does your partner communicate with you?
    a) Openly and honestly
    b) Occasionally, but with difficulty
    c) Rarely or with hostility
  6. Do you and your partner share common interests and activities?
    a) Yes, you enjoy doing things together
    b) Not always, but you respect each other’s interests
    c) No, you rarely find common ground
  7. How does your partner respond to your accomplishments or successes?
    a) Celebrates and supports you
    b) Shows indifference or jealousy
    c) Dismisses or belittles your achievements
  8. Are you able to express your needs and concerns in the relationship?
    a) Yes, and they are acknowledged and respected
    b) Sometimes, but it can be challenging
    c) No, your concerns are often ignored
  9. How often do you and your partner laugh and have fun together?
    a) Frequently, laughter is a significant part of your relationship
    b) Occasionally, but it could be more often
    c) Rarely, there is little joy in the relationship
  10. How does your partner handle disagreements or conflicts?
    a) Discusses calmly and seeks resolutions
    b) Escalates arguments easily
    c) Avoids or ignores conflicts
  11. Is there mutual trust and respect in your relationship?
    a) Yes, trust and respect are fundamental
    b) Sometimes, trust is an issue
    c) No, there is a lack of trust and respect
  12. Are you able to be yourself and feel accepted by your partner?
    a) Yes, your partner loves and accepts you as you are
    b) Occasionally, but there are moments of judgment
    c) No, you feel the need to change or hide parts of yourself
  13. How would you describe the overall atmosphere of your relationship?
    a) Loving and supportive
    b) Tense or unhealthy
    c) Neutral or unremarkable


Now, let’s calculate your score. Assign one point for each answer: a) = 2 points, b) = 1 point, c) = 0 points. Add up your points and see the result:

  • 0-10 points: It appears that you may not be in a happy relationship. Consider reflecting on the areas that need improvement and seeking support if necessary.
  • 11-18 points: Your relationship has some positive aspects, but there are areas that may require attention. Open communication and effort can help improve your overall happiness.
  • 19-20 points: Congratulations! It seems like you are in a happy relationship. Continue nurturing and cherishing the connection you have with your partner.


Remember, this quiz is not a substitute for professional advice. If you have concerns about your relationship, it’s best to consult with a therapist or counselor who can provide personalized guidance.

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