Why is it that most people we meet who have lofty aims and objectives have menial, low-paying jobs? Many people have high ambitions for their lives, yet they let years pass without making any progress toward those hopes. These people may have great social lives and may have watched every episode of Grey’s Anatomy again, but they lack the willingness to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve their true goals. As a result, they remain in their current positions, both financially and professionally.

Giving yourself an hour a day to work on a desire isn’t going to cut it if you want to succeed; you’re going to need to make the correct number of sacrifices.

If you value leisure time, a regular sleep schedule, and weekend wine and dine with friends more than financial freedom, you’ll either have to accept that you won’t achieve the same success as those who did make those sacrifices did, or you’ll need to start making changes right away.

I want you to tell yourself, “I am willing to sacrifice what it will take to succeed,” before reading any further in this essay. Declare it, record it, and mean it.

Maximizing return on effort and appropriately leveraging your time are two ways to check if you’re accomplishing it.


Your input and output will be equal.

The input you put into a firm is equal to the output you’re going to receive, especially for a startup. It’s a fairly level playing field right now, but if you’re strategic, that output will eventually (and hopefully) far outweigh the amount of input you put in. You’ll get more out of your business if you put more positive energy into it and work harder. To make the most money and have the most success with a business, you need to put all of your resources, time, and effort into it.


What is the value of one hour of your time?

Every hour you spend working has a monetary value. It’s straightforward math, but it’s not that straightforward: total annual earnings divided by hours worked. Being an entrepreneur usually entails working outside of the 9 to 5 hours, so deciding that every waking hour of the day needs to be factored into the equation can greatly increase your chances of success.

Therefore, rather than thinking of it as progress toward achievement, the next time you sit down to scroll through social media and realize an hour has passed, think of it as a payment you’ve had to make. You might end up making better use of those hours as a result.


Utilize your time effectively.

A common result for many aspiring entrepreneurs is devoting hours to goal-focused effort yet producing nothing. Most often, this occurs as a result of ineffective time optimization.

For instance, why struggle with adding numbers on the accounting side of things for two hours a day when someone else can do it in 15 minutes? You will incur some short-term costs, but the time you will save can be applied to the operations of your company.

Apply your skills where they will be most useful and delegate tasks to people whose strengths complement your weaknesses. The most successful businesspeople don’t perform all the jobs themselves since that is ineffective. Although it’s simple to assume that hiring a freelancer will only cost you money, nothing could be farther from the truth. When you waste time, you waste money.

If you can put people in positions where they can do their best work, a company’s output will be as high as it can be.

Developing skills

It’s crucial to never stop learning and to avoid acting as though you know everything there is to know in your profession, since doing so will inevitably cause you to lag behind those who have realized that there is no end to the amount of knowledge that can be learned.

As a result, if you’re good at something, keep learning about it, and if you’re not, keep practicing until you are. You want to fine-tune, continuously enhancing your skills and updating what you know, just like you would with a car.

Don’t let work interfere with your health at the same time. You will become exhausted if you allow yourself to run out of gas or if you continue to drive without taking care of yourself. Make time for what you need to do to get back on track if you find yourself getting burned out. If you think a day of relaxation will help you focus more time on achieving a goal the following day, go for it.

Work ahead of  market

Be sure to constantly monitor the market and keep an eye out for anticipated developments. When circumstances do change, you will be better able to adjust and transition than if you attempted to do it after the fact. Consider the future as well as the present rather than focusing only on what is occurring right now.

You’ll then be able to pivot with ease while the competition struggles when the firm is ready to move or the market shifts.

What will it be then? Will people remember you as a cautionary tale—someone who had so much potential but never enough time? Are you willing to make sacrifices for the benefit of your life as a whole because you take your objectives and the tremendous rewards that come with accomplishment seriously enough? Even though it can take several years of diligent labor, each hour you put in will move you one step closer to your goal until you reach it. You will succeed.

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