Another High school Student Murdered!

Students and teachers of the government bilingual high school in Bafoussam are still in shock following the death of Francois Xavier Ghoda.

The student in the class of lower sixth science was on his way back home from school when he was attacked and stabbed.

Nobody knows for sure why Xavier decided to leave the school premises during class hours or why he chose an isolated path (supposedly a shorter way home) to leave.

It is while on this path, in the Bamendzi neighborhood, which is on the borders of a forest known to be sacred by the people of the area, that he was attacked and stabbed in the back.

The inhabitants of the area interviewed said delinquents frequently come around and were probably trying to get a mobile phone from Francois Xavier Ghoda before the unfortunate incident occurred.

Passersby found the 18-year-old in this state and rushed him to the King Place health center, where he died. Investigations have been opened by security forces.  

It should be recalled that the case of Francoise-Xavier is simply one of the many students or teachers who have died this year, either by stabbing or the use of other weapons.  

One in many murder Cases.

Let’s take a recap of past murder Incidents;   The principal of the Yona School Complex was stabbed twice by one of his recalcitrant pupils.  

More blood from a teacher on the hands of a student in Yaounde, the political capital of Cameroon.   According to rumors on the Internet and in the news, on Wednesday, April 6, 2022, a student stabbed the principal of the Yona School Complex in the Nkolbisson district.  

According to the same sources, the student went to the office of the school principal to claim his jumper.   The garment was confiscated by the administration for reasons of indiscipline.  

When the principal refused to give him his clothes, the student took the knife out of his bag and stuck it in the teacher’s stomach and then in his shoulder.

At the end of his crime, the offender tried to flee before being caught by motorbike drivers.   According to witnesses, he is in the hands of the Gendarmerie Brigade of Nkolbisson.

The victim is said to be out of danger after undergoing intensive treatments at the hospital.   This is at least the second time in two years that a student has stabbed a teacher in the same neighborhood of Yaounde VI.  

It is recalled that on January 14, 2020, the mathematics teacher, Djomi Tchakounte, died at the University Hospital of Yaounde after being stabbed by his student at the high school of Nkolbisson.  

The scene of this Wednesday, April 6, 2022 comes after a student was permanently expelled for beating a supervisor.

The scene of violence took place on Monday,   March 28, 2022, at the bilingual high school of Nkol-Eton, while the teacher was trying to retrieve the mobile phone that the student was holding in defiance of the prohibition instituted by the rules.  


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