Every Day’s 6 Weakest Points and How to Overcome Them

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I’ve always set high objectives for myself, but I also suffer from a physiological imbalance that leaves me exhausted. Ambitious goals and a lack of motivation to achieve them don’t mix well. For years, I tried out a lot of different habit formulas to see which ones worked best for me and when they worked best for me during the day.

The revitalizing practices listed below can help you get through your day’s six weakest points.

SEE MORE: 10 Negative Habits Unhappy People must change


Weakness #1: How Do You Begin Your Day?

They drink “sayu” in Japan (plain hot water). Right after you wake up is the optimum time to drink Sayu. Sayu increases blood circulation and aids in the removal of toxins from the body.

Starting Your Day With Sayu Is An Energizing Habit.

Boil water and drink it when you wake up. Drinking Sayu in the morning or during the day might be a terrific way to start your day.



weak point#2 flaw is the pre-meeting.

Before your meetings, this habit will help you feel motivated and confident. When we are present, our bodies go into fight or flight mode. When we are in a state of fight or flight, we give up. The following is a simple habit to develop before a meeting:

Pre-meeting is an energizing habit.

Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale deeply through your mouth.

Extend your arms in front of you.

Your left arm should be fully extended to the left side.

Extend your right arm to the right side completely.

Bring them in so that your hands are in contact with them.

Bring them to the surface.

Repeat ten more times.

Openers are a terrific way to feel energized and confident in your meetings.

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Weakness #3: Failure to Eat Lunch

Most of us have eaten lunch while answering emails or reading through our phones. It’s possible that this is the polar opposite of energizing. Viewing natural scenes can help to reduce anger, fear, and tension while also promoting positive emotions. It improves your physical well-being by lowering your blood pressure, heart rate, muscular tension, and stress hormone production.

Look out the window at natural scenes while eating your lunch.

“Life is a reverberation.” What you send out will come back to you. You reap what you sow. You get what you give. “What you see in others is also present in you.” –

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Weakness #4: A slump between 2-3 p.m.

It’s not your fault. It’s a global truth. This is when our energy levels plummet, and we tend to lose sight of what matters most. Taking a vigilance break can help you get out of your 2-3 p.m. rut. The Veterans Health Administration instituted a vigilance break between the hours of 2-3 p.m.

The surgical mortality rate (the number of people who died during or immediately after surgery) was reduced by 18% one year after the training began. It’s just wonderful!

2–3 p.m. Slump Energizing Habit: Set aside 5 minutes every day at 2 p.m. on your calendar.

During those five minutes, go over the four things you need to remember to succeed in your day.

Give yourself a pat on the back (you deserve it!)

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Weakness #5: An overburdened situation

For most of us, workdays may get very hectic, and it’s easy to feel completely overwhelmed at times. It can feel like there are 200 things to accomplish when we’re overwhelmed, paralyzing us. Instead of focusing on the task at hand, this frequently leads to the search for diversions.

Getting Through Overwhelm is an energizing habit.

Inhale for a count of four (1,2,3,4…) via your nose.

Hold for a total of four counts (1,2,3,4,…)

Exhale for four counts (1,2,3,4,…)

Write down one task that, if you focused on it for the next 60 minutes, would yield the best results.

Concentrate solely on accomplishing that one assignment.

As needed, repeat.

Weak Point #6: Bringing the Day to a Close

You should feel energized rather than exhausted at the end of the day. You may feel compelled to close your laptop and go until the next day after finishing your final meeting of the day. Spending five minutes at the end of each day tying a bow on your day and looking ahead to the next is an energy gamechanger.

Energizing Your Day at the End of the Day:

Schedule a 5-minute break at the conclusion of your workday.

Run through your calendar in those five minutes. Have you sent the follow-up emails that you promised?

Take a quick look at your inbox. Have you replied to the emails you claimed you’d respond to?

What can you plan for the next day that will help you be more productive? It could be as simple as adding prep time or scheduling time to go for a stroll.

Begin by implementing one of the six energizing habits listed below. Which one stood out the most to you? Add another when you’ve completed one for a week.

When it comes to energized habits, it’s comparable to cracking eggs: if you try to crack too many at once, you’ll end up with a mess. You’ll achieve a lovely result if you break one energizing habit at a time.

Every Day’s 6 Weakest Points and How to Overcome Them

I’ve always set high objectives for myself, but I also suffer from a physiological imbalance that leaves me exhausted. Ambitious goals and a lack of motivation to achieve them don’t mix well. For years, I tried out a lot of different habit formulas to see which ones worked best for me and when they worked best for me during the day.

The revitalizing practices listed below can help you get through your day’s six weakest points.


Weakness #1: How Do You Begin Your Day?

They drink “sayu” in Japan (plain hot water). Right after you wake up is the optimum time to drink Sayu. Sayu increases blood circulation and aids in the removal of toxins from the body.

Starting Your Day With Sayu Is An Energizing Habit.

Boil water and drink it when you wake up. Drinking Sayu in the morning or during the day might be a terrific way to start your day.


weak point#2 flaw is the pre-meeting.

Before your meetings, this habit will help you feel motivated and confident. When we are present, our bodies go into fight or flight mode. When we are in a state of fight or flight, we give up. The following is a simple habit to develop before a meeting:

Pre-meeting is an energizing habit.

Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale deeply through your mouth.

Extend your arms in front of you.

Your left arm should be fully extended to the left side.

Extend your right arm to the right side completely.

Bring them in so that your hands are in contact with them.

Bring them to the surface.

Rep ten more times.

Openers are a terrific way to feel energized and confident in your meetings.

Weakness #3: Failure to Eat Lunch

Most of us have eaten lunch while answering emails or reading through our phones. It’s possible that this is the polar opposite of energizing. Viewing natural scenes can help to reduce anger, fear, and tension while also promoting positive emotions. It improves your physical well-being by lowering your blood pressure, heart rate, muscular tension, and stress hormone production.

Look out the window at natural scenes while eating your lunch.

“Life is a reverberation.” What you send out will come back to you. You reap what you sow. You get what you give. “What you see in others is also present in you.” –

Weakness #4: A slump between 2-3 p.m.

It’s not your fault. It’s a global truth. This is when our energy levels plummet, and we tend to lose sight of what matters most. Taking a vigilance break can help you get out of your 2-3 p.m. rut. The Veterans Health Administration instituted a vigilance break between the hours of 2-3 p.m.

The surgical mortality rate (the number of people who died during or immediately after surgery) was reduced by 18% one year after the training began. It’s just wonderful!

2–3 p.m. Slump Energizing Habit: Set aside 5 minutes every day at 2 p.m. on your calendar.

During those five minutes, go over the four things you need to remember to succeed in your day.

Give yourself a pat on the back (you deserve it!)

Weakness #5: An overburdened situation

For most of us, workdays may get very hectic, and it’s easy to feel completely overwhelmed at times. It can feel like there are 200 things to accomplish when we’re overwhelmed, paralyzing us. Instead of focusing on the task at hand, this frequently leads to the search for diversions.

Getting Through Overwhelm is an energizing habit.

Inhale for a count of four (1,2,3,4…) via your nose.

Hold for a total of four counts (1,2,3,4,…)

Exhale for four counts (1,2,3,4,…)

Write down one task that, if you focused on it for the next 60 minutes, would yield the best results.

Concentrate solely on accomplishing that one assignment.

As needed, repeat.

Weak Point #6: Bringing the Day to a Close

You should feel energized rather than exhausted at the end of the day. You may feel compelled to close your laptop and go until the next day after finishing your final meeting of the day. Spending five minutes at the end of each day tying a bow on your day and looking ahead to the next is an energy gamechanger.

Energizing Your Day at the End of the Day:

Schedule a 5-minute break at the conclusion of your workday.

Run through your calendar in those five minutes. Have you sent the follow-up emails that you promised?

Take a quick look at your inbox. Have you replied to the emails you claimed you’d respond to?

What can you plan for the next day that will help you be more productive? It could be as simple as adding prep time or scheduling time to go for a stroll.

Begin by implementing one of the six energizing habits listed below. Which one stood out the most to you? Add another when you’ve completed one for a week.

When it comes to energized habits, it’s comparable to cracking eggs: if you try to crack too many at once, you’ll end up with a mess. You’ll achieve a lovely result if you break one energizing habit at a time.

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