Healthy people. Doing exercise. Sport and health concept background stock photo

12 Tips for a Long and Healthy Life

Most people imagine themselves aging gracefully and enjoying a long, active life with friends and family. While many people wish for this, it is not a pipe dream. Many seniors do it. Their secret, then? How do these people enjoy old age while remaining healthy and happy? Their top 12 secrets are:


1. Get rid of stress.

Stress is linked to dozens of chronic diseases. A 2015 University of California–San Francisco study found that women with chronic stress have significantly lower levels of Klotho, a hormone that helps protect the body and brain from aging.

A 2012 British Medical Journal study found that people under a lot of stress have a 20% increased risk of heart attack and stroke. So, avoiding stress is one of the best ways to live a long, happy life. You can reduce stress by learning relaxation techniques like meditation and doing healthy things like going for a walk, cooking, or meeting with friends when you feel stressed. 

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Maintain a vibrant social life.

Did you know that your friends can help you live longer? Several studies have linked loneliness to premature death, heart disease, and stroke. As a result, it’s important to keep up a healthy social life as you age. This will help you avoid depressive symptoms as well as cognitive decline symptoms like Alzheimer’s and dementia.


3. Sports

A daily walk or run would be the fountain of youth. Exercise is a great way to keep your body and mind young. Daily exercise can help you avoid chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes, as well as keep your body fit, healthy, and capable throughout your golden years. Exercise is also a great way to meet new people, stay connected, and learn new things.

4. Help/volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to help your community and support a course you care about. It’s also one of the best ways to maximize your golden years. It has been proven that people with a higher sense of purpose live longer than those without.

Getting involved in something bigger than yourself is one of the best ways to stay active, engaged, and passionate as you age.

So get involved in something you believe in. A volunteer organization or a faith-based community are all the same. Simply choose a passion and devote time to it. While this may not seem directly related to longevity or happiness, it is.

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5. Locate Love

Being in a partnership can help you live longer and healthier. Finding someone to love, whether married or just a sweetheart or friend, can significantly reduce your risk of premature death.

A 2013 Duke University Medical Center study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine found that married people were less likely to die young. Many people believe that having a partner helps reduce stress and provides a source of support, which makes life more enjoyable.


6. Eat Healthily

True health requires a healthy diet. People who eat a lot of wheat, rye, barley, and other whole grains live longer. These foods contain polyphenols, which can help reduce the risk of premature death, protect brain health, and reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, respiratory illness, and diabetes. To stay healthy, eat a well-balanced diet full of leafy greens, vegetables, protein, and fiber, as well as plenty of water.

7. Getting Adequate Sleep

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More than just a good night’s sleep, a good night’s sleep is linked to a long, healthy life. A UC San Diego study found that people who sleep seven hours per night live longer than those who sleep less than or more than eight hours per night.

So, if you want to be healthy, prioritize sleep. Aside from making you feel better and more alert, getting enough sleep can help you avoid early death, cognitive decline, and other age-related symptoms.

The use of therapeutic matrass like the smart sleep system solution also has a significant positive effect on having good sleep. This matrass gives 360 degrees of therapy in your sleep because of its natural components like: 

-tourmaline fibre;it emits negative ions which are anti inflammatory, anti bacteria, help in cells oxygenation, releases infrared rays for microcirculation.

-Grafin fibre; which help to destroy tumor and cancer cells,

-biomagnetism which help to neutralise acidic components of blood favouring ionic exchang. for more information go to and email to


8. Be a part of Something Greater Than Yourself

Studies show that people with a spiritual focus live longer than those without spiritual community, or volunteer organization. All of these things can help reduce depressive symptoms, reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, and increase community connection and happiness.

9. Stop Overeating

Avoiding the temptation to overeat can help you live a longer, healthier life. A 2008 University of St. Louis study found that eating until you’re 80% full can help you age slower. The reason is that calorie restriction, even moderate calorie restriction, helps reduce T3 production. This increases metabolism and slows aging.


10. Avoid Watching Too Much Television

Too much television is bad for your health and shortens your life. A 2010 study found that people who watch more than four hours of TV per day are 46% more likely to die than those who watch less than two hours. So, the next time you have a quiet day, pick up a good book instead of reruns.

11. Apply SPF

Excessive sun exposure can cause skin cancer, but it can also prematurely age your skin. While enjoying the sun is healthy, remember to apply SPF when you go to the beach with your family or friends. Even if you’ve never used sunscreen, it’s never too late to start.


12. Drink in Moderation

While it’s undeniable that too much alcohol can be harmful to your health, studies show that small amounts can actually be beneficial. A daily glass of wine or beer can help keep your heart healthy and your mind sharp. So, enjoy a nice glass of vino with dinner.

Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life, and it is not difficult to achieve. By following healthy eating, exercise, and sleeping habits and participating in social and community activities, you can enjoy your golden years in good health and longevity.

12 Tips for a Long and Healthy Life

Most people imagine themselves aging gracefully and enjoying a long, active life with friends and family. While many people wish for this, it is not a pipe dream. Many seniors do it. Their secret, then? How do these people enjoy old age while remaining healthy and happy? Their top 12 secrets are:

1. Get rid of stress.

Stress is linked to dozens of chronic diseases. A 2015 University of California–San Francisco study found that women with chronic stress have significantly lower levels of Klotho, a hormone that helps protect the body and brain from aging.

A 2012 British Medical Journal study found that people under a lot of stress have a 20% increased risk of heart attack and stroke. So, avoiding stress is one of the best ways to live a long, happy life. You can reduce stress by learning relaxation techniques like meditation and doing healthy things like going for a walk, cooking, or meeting with friends when you feel stressed. 

Maintain a vibrant social life.

Did you know that your friends can help you live longer? Several studies have linked loneliness to premature death, heart disease, and stroke. As a result, it’s important to keep up a healthy social life as you age. This will help you avoid depressive symptoms as well as cognitive decline symptoms like Alzheimer’s and dementia.

3. Sports

A daily walk or run would be the fountain of youth. Exercise is a great way to keep your body and mind young. Daily exercise can help you avoid chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes, as well as keep your body fit, healthy, and capable throughout your golden years. Exercise is also a great way to meet new people, stay connected, and learn new things.

4. Help/volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to help your community and support a course you care about. It’s also one of the best ways to maximize your golden years. It has been proven that people with a higher sense of purpose live longer than those without.

Getting involved in something bigger than yourself is one of the best ways to stay active, engaged, and passionate as you age.

So get involved in something you believe in. A volunteer organization or a faith-based community are all the same. Simply choose a passion and devote time to it. While this may not seem directly related to longevity or happiness, it is.

5. Locate Love

Being in a partnership can help you live longer and healthier. Finding someone to love, whether married or just a sweetheart or friend, can significantly reduce your risk of premature death.

A 2013 Duke University Medical Center study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine found that married people were less likely to die young. Many people believe that having a partner helps reduce stress and provides a source of support, which makes life more enjoyable.


6. Eat Healthily

True health requires a healthy diet. People who eat a lot of wheat, rye, barley, and other whole grains live longer. These foods contain polyphenols, which can help reduce the risk of premature death, protect brain health, and reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, respiratory illness, and diabetes. To stay healthy, eat a well-balanced diet full of leafy greens, vegetables, protein, and fiber, as well as plenty of water.

7. Getting Adequate Sleep

More than just a good night’s sleep, a good night’s sleep is linked to a long, healthy life. A UC San Diego study found that people who sleep seven hours per night live longer than those who sleep less than or more than eight hours per night.

So, if you want to be healthy, prioritize sleep. Aside from making you feel better and more alert, getting enough sleep can help you avoid early death, cognitive decline, and other age-related symptoms.

The use of therapeutic measures like the smart sleep system solution also has a significant positive effect on having good sleep. This mattress gives 360 degrees of theralpy in your sleep because of its natural components like: 

-tourmaline fibre;it emits negative ions which are anti inlimatory, anti bacteria, help in cells oxygination, releases infra red rays for micro circulation.

-Grafin fibre; which help to destro tumor and cancer cells,

-biomagnetism which help to neutralise acidic components of blood favouring ionic exchang. for more information go to and email to


8. Be a part of Something Greater Than Yourself

Studies show that people with a spiritual focus live longer than those without spiritual community, or volunteer organization. All of these things can help reduce depressive symptoms, reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, and increase community connection and happiness.

9. Stop Overeating

Avoiding the temptation to overeat can help you live a longer, healthier life. A 2008 University of St. Louis study found that eating until you’re 80% full can help you age slower. The reason is that calorie restriction, even moderate calorie restriction, helps reduce T3 production. This increases metabolism and slows aging.


10. Avoid Watching Too Much Television

Too much television is bad for your health and shortens your life. A 2010 study found that people who watch more than four hours of TV per day are 46% more likely to die than those who watch less than two hours. So, the next time you have a quiet day, pick up a good book instead of reruns.

11. Apply SPF

Excessive sun exposure can cause skin cancer, but it can also prematurely age your skin. While enjoying the sun is healthy, remember to apply SPF when you go to the beach with your family or friends. Even if you’ve never used sunscreen, it’s never too late to start.


12. Drink in Moderation

While it’s undeniable that too much alcohol can be harmful to your health, studies show that small amounts can actually be beneficial. A daily glass of wine or beer can help keep your heart healthy and your mind sharp. So, enjoy a nice glass of vino with dinner.

Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life, and it is not difficult to achieve. By following healthy eating, exercise, and sleeping habits and participating in social and community activities, you can enjoy your golden years in good health and longevity.

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