Warts, Moles and Skin Tags by Marius Visagie

If you have these bumps on your skin, you may wonder how you can naturally remove warts and skin tags. While warts and skin tags aren’t the same, they are similar and can be removed similarly.

Many people are affected by these common skin issues. While skin tags are harmless, they can be painful if you snag or bump them on something. Luckily, there are natural remedies to remove warts and skin tags permanently.

Of course, you should always consult your doctor before taking matters into your own hands. This step is to rule out any other, more serious While it is easy to recognize these skin conditions, you always want to be sure.

The Difference Between Warts and Skin Tags

The difference between warts and skin tags is simple. Warts and papillomas are caused by the human papillomavirus, which is also known as HPV. They have round raised bumps and aren’t dangerous, but can be contagious.

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Skin tags, on the other hand, are soft, skin-colored growths that form on the skin. They are most often found on your neck, armpits, groin, eyelids, and breasts, but can appear anywhere there is thick skin or skin folds. Thicker areas of skin or areas where there are skin folds are most susceptible to these formations.

Instead of being caused by HPV, the cause of skin tags is unknown. They are likely due to skin rubbing against skin or another type of repeated friction against your skin. Skin tags are made up of collagen fibers that accumulate in and on the skin.

How to Remove Warts and Skin Tags for Good

Leaving warts and skin tags on your skin won’t do any harm. However, if they bother you or don’t like the appearance, removing them is relatively easy.

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1. Try Tea Tree Oil

For this method, you will only need a few drops of tea tree oil and two tablespoons of water. You will mix the oil with the water and then spread it on the raised skin and let it dry.

Do this around five times each day until the skin is once again smooth and clear. If you would rather, you can do it once a day and place a band-aid over it each time.

The tea tree oil will kill bacteria, viruses, and fungus as it helps get rid of unwanted warts or skin tags. While it is safe for any skin area, it should not be used near your eyes.


2. Apply Propolis to the Area

This method requires a couple of drops of 50% propolis tincture, which can be found in most drug stores. You will also need a cotton ball and a band-aid.

Once you have all the materials, you will apply the propolis to your skin in the affected area. Then, place the cotton ball over the top of it and secure it with the hand aid. Do this two times each day until you see the results you desire.

Propolis can prevent infections and viruses, and it can further stimulate your immune system. It will also prevent unwanted bacteria from getting inside as it works to remove the skin tag or wart.

On this topic, it is noted that the results are inconclusive. The treatment worked on some participants but not on others. Chalk it up as “it’s at least worth a try.”

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3. Use Vitamin E

One of the things that can cause skin tags is increasing age. This means that antioxidants can help remove them and prevent any others from forming. Since Vitamin E is an antioxidant, it is the perfect remedy to remove them.

Rub the Vitamin E oil onto the affected area each day until the growth is gone. It should only take a couple of days to do its job.


4. Apply apple cider vinegar

You will need a few drops of apple cider vinegar, a cotton pad, and a baid. Soak the cotton pad in the apple cider vinegar and put it on top of the wart or skin tag. Secure the cotton pad with a band-aid and leave it on overnight.

In the morning, remove the cotton pad. Do this each night before bed, and you will notice results within one week. The acid in apple cider vinegar will destroy the tissue of raised skin, making it disappear or fall off.

Another option is to do these same steps, but only leave the cotton pad attached for up to 30 minutes. If you do it this way, you may not notice the results for a couple of weeks, however. Or, you could leave it secure for only 10 minutes but do it multiple times a day.

5. Use Garlic

All that you will need for this method is a few cloves of garlic. Crush the cloves and then apply them to the affected area, leaving them overnight. This works due to the garlic’s ability to fight off viruses, bacteria, fungus, and parasites.

You could also try taking garlic pills to help remove warts and skin tags. It may not work as quickly, but you won’t smell like garlic every day.

6. Rub a banana peel on it.

Another easy material list for this method, as all you will need, is a banana peel. Rub the banana peel on the wart or skin tag for a couple of minutes each day. It may take weeks with this method, but you’ll notice results sooner if you do it multiple times a day.

The banana peel method works because the peel contains enzymes that are known to heal and rejuvenate. Plus, it can dry out skin tags, causing them to fall off eventually.

7. Make a Baking Soda Mixture

This method will work for you if you have a wart or skin tag on your hand or foot. You will mix four tablespoons of baking soda into a large bowl of water. Then, place the affected extremity into the water and let it soak for 30 minutes.

When you remove your hand or foot from the bowl, make sure you let it air drain. This works because of the anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and antiseptic properties found in baking soda.

It naturally exfoliates the skin and helps dry up the affected skin. Plus, it destroys the structure of the skin tag or wart, helping with its permanent removal.

If your wart or skin tag is located in a different area of your body, you can use a similar method. Make a paste out of water and baking soda and apply it to the affected area. Leave it on the skin for 30 minutes before wiping it off.

8. Apply Fig Juice

All you will need for this home remedy is a couple of drops of fresh fig juice. Apply it to the wart or skin tag and let it dry while being absorbed by the skin. Do this three times each day for two weeks, and you will notice a difference.

Fig juice contains high amounts of antioxidants and antiviral properties. This helps replenish the skin, remove the imperfections, and fight any potential viruses that infect the area. Plus, it is beneficial for removing them permanently because it helps stop the cause.

9. Cover it in an Aspirin Mixture.

This method involves a little more prep work, but it is well worth it. Crush up four aspirin tablets and add enough water to make a paste. This will only require a few drops of water.

Then, cover the wart or skin tag with the mixture. Put a band-aid over it and leave it overnight. This works because the salicylic acid in Aspirin can treat skin issues quickly and safely.

10. Apply Castor Oil

This method can take up to a few weeks, but it effectively removes warts and skin tags. Apply pure castor oil to the affected area and let it dry naturally. If you do this a few times each day, the antioxidants and antiviral properties will help eliminate these issues for good.


After removing warts and skin tags, there is a small chance an infection can occur. If bacteria get in the area, you may experience some complications. While this is rare, it is still best to be safe and take the proper precautions.

Make sure to wash the area well and keep it clean until it fully heals. You could also apply something with antibiotic properties, such as aloe vera juice or tea tree oil.

Final Thoughts on How to Permanently Remove Warts and Skin Tags

As you can see, there are many home remedies to help remove warts and other skin tags. These methods will not only help remove them, but they will prevent them as well. You likely even have a few of the ingredients at home already.

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